Contact us:
ul. Kolejowa 16
23-200 Kraśnik, POLSKA
tel: +48 81 826 41 94; +48 81 826 41 90
tel/fax: +48 81 825 11 63
Tekst podstrony
Polyethylene coated tarpaulins (waterproof) are perfect solution for covering of machines, vehicles and other materials that need protection from rain, snow, moisture, dust and other external factors.
Tarpaulins are used in agriculture, construction, etc.
We have in our offer standard and reinforced tarpaulins.
PLANDEKI STANDARDOWE importujemy w kolorze niebieskim i białym.
Opakowanie: Plandeki pakowane są w worki polietylenowe z etykietą.
Opakowania zbiorcze: pakiety pakowane zgodnie z tabelą.
We import STANDARD TARPAULINS in colour blue
Packing: Tarpaulins are in olyethylene bags with label.
Bulk packing: bundles according to the table below:
We import REINFORCED TARPAULINS in colour silver.
Packing: Tarpaulins are in olyethylene bags with label.
Bulk packing: bundles according to the table below: